Thursday, April 11, 2013

Girly Tom Boy

You are so girly but you have just the right amount of TOm Boy to make me proud.  You are going through this really sweet lovable stage. YOu will come up and either hug me, or kiss me and say "Mom I just love you" then run off.  You are always moving, that is why you HATE your car seat. Most babies will eventually give in to the car seat. BUt not you. YOu are almost three and hate it.

YOu love to help me in the kitchen. You are all full of conversation when I;m stirring eggs or watching a stir-fry. You love to fix my hair. You can't really fix it yet, but you are constantly saying, "Mom, can I brush your hair? Want me to brush your hair?" While we are on the subject you have very strict rules about my hair. IT MUST BE DOWNl If I have it up in a bun or pony tail you will say
 "MOM take down your hair. It looks beautifujl down" if I don't listen you willl take down my hair for me. Then afterwards say, 'OH good Mom. You look beautiful"  Ha, ha

You are also my little tom boy, You run, jump play, Hulk SMASH me (hit my leg has hard as you can. It hurts!) You have decided you want a Go  DIego GO themed party. You want a Hulk Smash for your birthday and a PRINCE Barbie to dance with all the girl Barbies. You always do something to make us laugh. Yosea is constanly saying, "isn't my baby just cute" she's right you are just cute. Don't grow up stay how you are righ tnow for aleast a couple of years :) Il just love you!

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