Sunday, January 30, 2011

Jan. 29, 0211

So it's official. Your first word is DAD. I would like to argue that is was MOM , because both you and Yo'sea when you started cooing you did more of a  Mamamamamamama sound. But It wasn't just for me. But now, when you were playing with Dad, you were saying, "Dad dad dad dad dad" I thought it was just a fluke, but when you were playing with me and he came in the room same thing. When we were at church and Dad got your attention, you smiled and said, "dad dad dad" Of course Dad is all excited, and you are the favorite at the moment. Your growing up so fast, we had to block off the kitchen so you would come in and get all messing, Dad put up a little gate. So now when i am in the kitchen cooking or cleaning I will look over and you will be standing at the gate just smiling HOPE WISHING I will come over and pick you up. Which I would love to do but also I need to get things done too.  

Dad dad dad isn't your only new thing. YOu are starting to tease too. You had a bottle and would give it to Dad to take a drink then when he was about ot take a drink you would giggle and take it away. You played that game for some time. It was sooo cute. Oh yeah, you love your sister. Yo'sea has this blanky with an elephant head on it.  She loves it and carries it all over. You  also like it because it makes a rattle sound so you are constantly trying to take it from her, which you end up doing more often then Yo'sea would like.  

You are an awesome eater. You love tiny bits of apple, cheese and vienna sausages. We get excited when I pull out your pureed veggies, and your bottle.  

For th emost part you don't cry. IF you are crying it is because you fell down while pulling  yourself up on something or your hungry.

You are a super fast crawler and you now like to pull yourself up on the furniture and are starting to get around that way. Every once in a while you will be standing in place with out holding on to anything, which is great until you realize your not holding on and then you fall or grab for something. :)   Anway your a joy and we love you.

P.S. You are a friendly bug. In church today you crawled over to different people in our area and pulled yourself up and smiled at them. Most of them picked you up and played with you  for a while then set you back down to smile at someone else. :) Cute baby@@

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